The average Recording Studio captures your music, maybe offers a little advice on your sound, and sends you out the door with a unlabeled CD in your hand. Peerless Recording Studio is not interested in average. From the beginning, the goal is to do the very best we can, no matter the circumstances. Now, we have some of the finest equipment available for digital audio recording. From the mics to the cables to the digital audio workstation and out to the studio speakers, no substitute for quality has been accepted. Our recording studio and control room provide a hands on, home like feeling and a professional product. A poor sounding room can nullify the quality of even the best equipment. This is why we have a recording studio conducive to great sound. Having great tools is only part of the solution though. How these tools are used is the real difference at Peerless. We strive for our compositions to sound real. Very small inflections, articulations and timing deference's are much of what make music sound amazing. Lastly and most importantly, music is art. The small, comfortable studio environment, the attitude, the attention to detail and the absolute desire to have fun are the most important products we offer. Music is Art…have fun doing it.